As of March 2020 1,285 1970 GTXs in the database

Thank you for inquiring about the 1970 GTX Registry.  A registry is important to help document and provide valuable facts concerning cars.

Purpose:  (1) To document as many surviving 1970 GTXs in a database as possible, (2) to share restoration help with other '70 GTX owners, (3) to provide answers to members questions about their car, fender tag or buildsheet information and (4)  to return original buildsheets to their present owners for documentation of their vehicle.

What is a Registry?  A registry is a complete statistical database using your car's information and combining it with other owner's cars information to document rare options, color combinations, area breakdowns and car survival rates.

Fees?  NONE, just your time to call, write or email me with your information.

Newsletter:  Earlier in the history of the registry, Ray Bussi edited and published the newsletter, issue 1 in the spring of 1998, issue 2 in the fall of 1998, and Vol 2, issue 1 in the spring of 1999.  Ray paid for the printing and mailing of all these newsletters out of his own pocket.  At this time due to work and other obligations the newsletters are "on hold" with no available date as to when they will be published next.    

How to register your car:  Contact me, Roger Wilson by mail at: 1610 Jasper Ave., Moville, Iowa 51039-8188, or phone: 712-873-3722, or email me at:   Please note the Flushing, NY address used earlier for the Registry is no longer correct.

Have questions about your car, options, restoration, parts, etc?  Feel free to contact me at the above address, phone number or email address.  I have had any interest in the 1970 GTX since they first arrived at the dealerships in the fall of 1969.  I own several '70 GTXs and for the last approximately 35 years have been gathering information at car shows, for s ale ads,  magazine and other vintage literature about this year and model of car.  I believe I have enough knowledge about the 1970 GTX to help out those who have questions.

Current issues being studied but not answered yet!  Why do some 1970 GTXs have the red "GTX" emblem above the glovebox and others do not?  Why some 1970 GTXs have the airgrabber hose coming out of the firewall under the voltage regulator and others have it more to the passenger side of the firewall?